The full version of Mojave was officially released on September 24th.

Apple’s Mojave page highlights some of the fascinating changes to the Mac operating system. All of the above Macs support macOS Mojave, but not all features are supported by each Mac.

Like past macOS releases, Apple added more optimizations, updates, and new features to Mojave. If your Mac isnt listed above, it isnt compatible with macOS Mojave. Gary has a computer science degree from Drexel University and a master’s degree in journalism from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. macOS 10.14 Mojave is the latest announced version of Mac operating systems. Gary is also the creator and producer behind WP Tips And Hacks, a site with video tutorials and code examples to help WordPress users customize and modify their WordPress sites. He also has self-published titles such as 101 Mac Tips and The Practical Guide to Mac Security. Gary has written more than 30 mass-market computer books, including the best-selling book My iPad, The MacMost Guide to Switching to the Mac, My Pages, ActionScript 3.0 Game Programming University, and Special Edition Using Director MX. It includes many videos on using Macs, iPhones, and iPads. È stato presentato ufficialmente al pubblico da Craig Federighi il 4 giugno 2018 a San Francisco, durante lApple WWDC. Gary is the host and producer of MacMost, a site that features more than 1,000 video tutorials for Apple enthusiasts. macOS 10.14 Mojave (pronunciato mohvi, dallomonimo deserto californiano) è la quindicesima versione del sistema operativo macOS sviluppato da Apple Inc. He runs CleverMedia, Inc., which produces websites, computer games, apps, and podcasts. Gary Rosenzweig is an Internet entrepreneur, software developer, and technology writer.