Various issues can occur after the upgrade. Either follow this guide: or run the upgrade from "Updates and Upgrades" through GUI. Solve underlying issues before you continue by using links to the KB articles provided.

# /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/php panel_preupgrade_checker.phpĭo not ignore warnings. Then apply the latest OS updates on the server (# yum update). yum can download and install packages from OS vendor's repositories (# yum makecache must yiels 'Metadata Cache Created') "base" and "updates" repositories are enabled (# yum reposlist enabled) tmp is not mounted with "noexec" attribute (# mount -l | grep noexec no output = good, else do # mount -o remount,exec /tmp)

root file system / has at least 10% free disk space tmp has at least 3 GB of free disk space (# df -h /tmp) To make sure that the existing Plesk installation is all correctly configured. Make a full server backup and store it on an external FTP storage. I believe that if you follow these steps you are well prepared, anyway: Unfortunately, even with good preparation, there is always a risk that a service won't start up again, some files go missing or database tables are corrupted.